Ericka Lee Conklin

Skype: Ericka.Conklin
Citizenships: United States
Drivers License: Pennsylvania Class C
Other Training
Goldsmiths College; University of London
MA Performance Making 2014-2015
Graduated with Distinction
Instructors Include: Graeme Miller, Anna Furse
Production Managed 72 Billionaires Final Festival
Courses Include : Devising, Contact Improvisation, Site Specifi Theatre, Scenography
Messiah College
BA Theatre 2010-2014
Magna Cum Laude
College Honors Program
Courses Include : Scenographic Techniques, Stage Management, Theatre for Social Change, Movement and the Actor, Voice and the Actor
Gaiety School of Acting; National Theatre School of Ireland
Studies in Irish Theatre January 2012 & 2014
Acting Coaches: Patrick Sutton, Dennis Conway
Voice Coach: Cathal Quinn
Goldsmiths College; University of London
Study Abroad Experience Autumn 2012
Acting Coach: Steve Dykes
Courses: Acting in London, Contemporary Performance Analysis, Shakespeare’s London, and London Theatre
Theatre Experience
Stage Management
72 Billionaires Festival Production Manager Miller Theatre
MA Performance Making Final Festival
3 Day Festival with 11 new works
On The Verge Assistant Stage Manager Miller Theatre
Dir. Valerie Smith
Stage Manager. Jessica Brigante (Nelson)
Living Newspapers Stage Manager Black Box Series
Dir. Adrian Knight
All Shook Up Assistant Stage Manager Millbrook Playhouse
Dir. Jonathan Flom
Stage Manager. Emily Burst
She Loves Me Assistant Stage Manager Millbrook Playhouse
Stage Manager. Emily Burst
You’re a Good Man Assistant Stage Manager Millbrook Playhouse
Charlie Brown
Dir. Snehal Desai
Stage Manager. Emily Burst
The 39 Steps Assistant Stage Manager Millbrook Playhouse
Dir. Lawrence Lesher
Stage Manager. Emily Burst
Pinocchio Stage Manager Millbrook Playhouse
Dir. Edward Carnigan
This particular production was allotted two four hour rehearsals by the summer stock theatre, had a cast of five, and five runs over a five week period. There was a 1 hour run time.
A Year With Stage Manager Miller Theatre
Frog and Toad
Dir. Valerie Smith
J.B. Stage Manager Poorman Black Box
Archibald Macleash
Dir. Valerie Smith
Recognized by Representatives by The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival
Voice - Larry Carey 2010-2014; Sasha Piastro-Tedford 2009-2010
Dance - Gregg Hurley (Jazz and Modern) 2010, 2013; Marie Cleaves-Rothacker (Ballet) 2013
Entry Pass Stage Management Workshop and Shadowing Experience - The National Theatre, December 2012
Basic Water Rescue Certification - American Red Cross, 2013
-Microsoft Office, Photoshop
-Plate spinning
-Scarf juggling
-Dialects - British (BBC), French, Dublin
-Threading a Serger
-Cross stitch, basic knitting
-Pattern Drafting
-Pouring the perfect pint -Trained at St. Jame's Gate
People to People Global Youth Forum - Chicago 2007, Denver 2008, Washington DC 2009
National Young Leaders Conference - Spring 2008
Presidential Youth Innaugural Conference - January 2009
TheatreCraft - Autumn 2012 and 2015
Annual Meeting of the Susquehanna (Central Pennsylvania) Conference of The United Methodist Church - Voting Member 2007-2011
2010 - present
2010 - present
Journey to the West Props Designer Miller Theatre
Dir. Clair Myers
Totus Mundos Set Designer Poorman Black Box Theatre
Designing a set that serves three totally seperate plays; Sunset, Devine, and Heartland
In Progress (2014)
The Secret Garden Stitcher Black Box Series
Dir. Bethany Miller
Designer. Elizabeth Angelozzi
On The Verge Stitcher Miller Theatre
Dir. Valerie Smith
Designer. Lisa Liebetrau
Letters from War; Co-Costume Designer Black Box Series
Letters from Home
Gabriella Saramago
W. Kaylee Schoefield
Carousel Stitcher Miller Theatre
Dir. Ed Cohn
Designer. Sarah Bertolozzi
For this production, I constructed ten skirts and dyed ten blouses along with one other student over three weeks.
Twelfth Night Assistant Designer Miller Theatre
Dir. Jim Knipple
Designer. Sarah Bertolozzi
Little Women Stitcher Black Box Series
Dir. Elizabeth Angelozzi
Desigher. Sarah Palmer
Most notably, constructed Meg’s costume in its entirety based on Palmer’s patterns and instructions. Also aided in construction of other pieces for the production.
Learned how to create button holes
Last Night of Balyhoo Stitcher Miller Theatre
Dir. John Liebetrau
Designer. Lisa Liebetrau
Mr. Bundy Costume Designer Black Box Series
Dir. Sarah Scafidi
The Fantasticks Costume Designer Poorman Black Box
Dir. Ed Cohn
A Midsummer Night’s Costume Designer Orangemite Studios
Dir. Emilie Thornton
Journey to the West Stitcher Miller Theatre
Dir. Clair Myers
Designer. Amanda Owens
The Gospel of Mark Ensemble Messiah College
Dir. Valerie Smith
Little Women Meg March Black Box Series
Dir. Elizabeth Angelozzi
Velma Gratch Fiona Gratch /Ensemble Millbrook Playhouse
and the Way Cool Butterfly
Dir. Edward Carnigan
Antigone Teiresias Miller Theatre
Dir. Kristopher Yoder
Love’s Labours Lost Boyetta/Dull Orangemite Studios
Dir. William Wolfgang
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Titania Orangemite Studios
Dir. Emilie Thornton
Seven Jewish Children Ensemble/Palestinian Rogue Theatre Festival
Dir. Gabriella Saramago
Heart of the Art The Muse Rogue Theatre Festival
Dir. Kahlie DeHotman
Fireside Erin Poorman Black Box
Self-directed and designed
Devised from the Ulster Cycle
Senior Thesis Project at Messiah College
Witch Academy Professor Blaire Batwing Coca Cola London Eye
Special Halloween Event
Self Directed by the Company and partially improvised
Selki Writer
Rogue Theatre Festival
15 minute dramatic scene for three (two female and one male) actors.
Adapted from an original, non-published work of fiction
The Building Writer
Rogue Theatre Festival
10 minute satirical scene for three actors of ambiguous gender.
Written as a satire when The Climenhaga Fine Arts Center was renamed The Climenhaga Building in order to make space for The High Center for Worship and the Performing Arts.
Director Drama Writer
Rogue Theatre Festival
15 minute comic scene for seven actors (two of which must be male)
A ficticitious scenario between Constantine Stanislovski and Anton Chekov during a rehearsal for the Cherry Orchard in which they must both move past their own egos to discover what is funny
Never Again Writer
An unpreformed work in progress.
1 Act for 3 actresses
Inspired by the struggle to understand the holocaust
Foktalkes Adapted
15 minute dramatic scene for four (three male and one female) actors
Adapted from unpublished novel by Rachel Mazza
The woman in Folkales was originally written as a man but changed to a woman for the script.
Fireside Devised/Developed
1 hour piece
Devised from the Ulster Cycle
Senior Thesis Project at Messiah College
Peter Pan Adapted
Script cutting/adapting for a contemporary audience and lyric writing
A new, 1 hour adaptation of Peter Pan
Music by Ethan Eldred
Hello Kitty’s Got Claws Director Rogue Theatre Festival
Condemner Heres Elms Director Rogue Theatre Festival
Director Drama Director Rogue Theatre Festival
Open Set Director Poorman Black Box
Compiled By. Bethany Brown and Desirae Mausteller
Two Woman play of approximately 45 minutes
A collection of prewritten scenes both from existing plays and internet sources, compiled by the two performers.
A piece with the sense of a late night comedy show.
Journey to the West Assistant Director Miller Theatre
Director - Clair Myers
Peter Pan Director East Main St. UMC
A new, 1 hour adaptation of Peter Pan with music by Ethan Eldred
Put on as a 1 week camp for ages 6-16
The Miracle Worker Animal Wrangler Miller Theatre
Dir. Valerie Smith
Seussical Jr. Camp Counselor Millbrook Playhouse
Dir. Mark De La Concha
Blood from a Turnip Ensemble Messiah College
Devised Theatre
Served as the class project for Theatre for Social Change
Focused on the respective issues found in education in both rural and urban settings.
Conducted interviews both in person and via email and phone. Particularly notable would be traveling to one of the most impoverished and rural areas of Pennsylvania to interview students and teachers.
The text was derived directly from these interviews.
Performed by the class at the culmination of the semester.
Other Theatre Experience
Relevant Work experience
Messiah College Department of Theatre and Dance
Adjunct Professor 2016-2017
Millbrook Playhouse
Stage Manager 2018
David Leidholdt – Artistic Director
Tymberly Whitesel
Coca Cola London Eye
River Guide/Host/Witch Academy 2015
Sophie Reagan
I had the priveledge of regularly providing tours along the river thames. I endeavored to make them informative but also entertaining and at times even funny. I had to quickly make myself familiar with a general script about London but was able to improvise where necesary. I also had to ensure all guests adhered to safety rules. Also provided Private tours on the London Eye and most excitingly had an acting job during the Halloween event 'Witch Academy' where I played Professor Blaire Batwing and taught children about the history of London and Magic.
Gary Petit 2010-2012; Melissa Mendez 2012-2013
A work study program with students employed by the department to provide support for the scenic, and costume designers. I worked primarily in the costume shop where my responsibilities included keeping the shop clean, laundry, costume construction, organization and dying. In the scene shop, we were responsible for keeping the work environment safe. I am trained to use a jig saw, table saw, chop saw, drill, nail gun, and other power tools.
Messiah College Department of Theatre and Dance; Costume and Scene Shop
Stitcher/Carpenter 2010-2014
Tara S. Jankouskas
I portrayed three different mental illnesses for Nursing students so that they could have an opportunity to experience what it was like to identify and treat such patients in a completely safe environment. I had to research Manic Depression, Schizophrenia, and Manipulative Behavior Disorders prior to the class sessions and then I worked with the students along with Professor Jankouskas on an individual basis.
Messiah College Department of Nursing
Standardized Patient 2011
Teresa Pond – Artistic Director, Emily Burst – Stage Manager
I provided support to the Main Stage Stage Manager for the duration of the summer 2012 season. This included drawing up prop tracking sheets and acting as an actor wrangler in some situations. As Assistant Stage Manager, I also Stage Managed a show in our Theatre for Young Audiences Series, and performed in the other piece in that series. Additionally, I was a camp counselor for the annual theatre summer camp.