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Conklin's favorite roles 



Poorman Blackbox

Messiah College 

May 2014


Fireside was devised and developed by Conklin around the source text of the Ulster Cycle


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Dir. Kris Yoder 

Miller Theatre 

Messiah College 

April 2013


Makeup Design by Rachel Ballasy and Kris Yoder


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Orangemite Studios 

A Midsummer Night's Dream 


Dir. Emilie Thornton

The Barn at Tall Fir Acres 

July 2013

Love's Labours Lost

Boyetta / Constable Dull

Dir. William Wolfgang

The Barn at Tall Fir Acres

May 2013

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Little Women 


Dir. Elizabeth Angelozi

Black Box Series 

Messiah College 

October 2011


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The Rogue Theatre Festival 

Heart of the Art

The Muse 

Dir. Kahlie DeHotman

Messiah College

April 2013


Seven Jewish Children 


Dir. Gabriella Saramago

Messiah College

April 2011

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